W10820039-BA Whirlpool All-Metal Washer Hub

Sale price$33.99


Attention: This Hub does not need the spanner wrench or thread locker, you also can't use the bushing or the shims either. Those are only intended for washers using the W10324651 Hub.

This is the hub set for Whirlpool, Maytag, Amana, and other style washers with washplates. Many of these are under the Maytag "Bravos" and Whirlpool "Cabrio" designations.

A hub being stripped will cause the wash plate to move independently of the tub without the unit being in the proper shifted mode. This can cause many issues, especially making the washing machine not spin properly. 

This set comes with 3 pieces to ensure you have the right set of items to match your needed solution.

This solution is our own, new in-house, all-metal hub set. The two larger hubs are made with ADC-12 and the smaller ring is made with stainless steel. Each kit comes with the 3 hub pieces. Your washing machine will either use the larger hub, or the smaller hub with the stainless interior ring, and since these vary from model to model, they are sold in a 3-piece set. 

The hub set comes with a 1-year replacement warranty on all 3 pieces.

Replaces and upgrades the following previous part#s: 280145,  8545948,  8545953,  W10118114,  W10820039VP


Works for, but may not be limited to the following model numbers for Whirlpool and Maytag machines:

7MMVWB850WL0 7MMVWB950AG0 MTW6300TQ0 MTW6300TQ1 MTW6400TQ0 MTW6500TQ0 MTW6600TB0 MTW6600TB1 MTW6600TQ0 MTW6600TQ1 MTW6700TQ0 MTW6700TQ1 MVWB300WQ0 MVWB300WQ1 MVWB300WQ2 MVWB400VQ0 MVWB450WQ0 MVWB450WQ1 MVWB450WQ2 MVWB455YQ0 MVWB700BW0 MVWB700VQ0 MVWB725BG0 MVWB725BW0 MVWB750WB0 MVWB750WB1 MVWB750WB2 MVWB750WL0 MVWB750WL1 MVWB750WL2 MVWB750WQ0 MVWB750WQ1 MVWB750WQ2 MVWB750WR0 MVWB750WR1 MVWB750WR2 MVWB750YW0 MVWB755YL0 MVWB755YQ0 MVWB755YR0 MVWB800VB0 MVWB800VQ0 MVWB800VU0 MVWB850WB0 MVWB850WB1 MVWB850WB2 MVWB850WL0 MVWB850WL1 MVWB850WL2 MVWB850WQ0 MVWB850WQ1 MVWB850WQ2 MVWB850WR0 MVWB850WR1 MVWB850WR2 MVWB850YG0 MVWB850YG1 MVWB850YW0 MVWB850YW1 MVWB880BW0 MVWB950YG0 MVWB950YG1 MVWB950YW0 MVWB950YW1 MVWB980BG0 MVWB980BW0 7MMVWB850WL0 7MMVWB950AG0 7MWTW7800XW0 7MWTW8800AW0 MTW6300TQ0 MTW6400TQ0 MTW6500TQ0 MTW6600TB0 MTW6600TQ0 WTW6200SW0 WTW6200SW1 WTW6200SW2 WTW6200SW3 WTW6200VW0 WTW6200VW1 WTW6300SB0 WTW6300SB1 WTW6300SB2 WTW6300SG0 WTW6300SG1 WTW6300SG2 WTW6300SW0 WTW6300SW1 WTW6300SW2 WTW6300WW0 WTW6340WW0 WTW6400SW0 WTW6400SW1 WTW6400SW2 WTW6400SW3 WTW6500WW1 WTW6600SB0 WTW6600SB1 WTW6600SB2 WTW6600SB3 WTW6600SG0 WTW6600SG1 WTW6600SG2 WTW6600SG3 WTW6600SW0 WTW6600SW1 WTW6600SW2 WTW6600SW3 WTW6700TU1 WTW6700TU2 WTW6700TW0 WTW6700TW1 WTW6700TW2 WTW6800WB1 WTW6800WL1 WTW6800WW1 WTW7300XW0 WTW7300XW1 WTW7300XW2 WTW7320YW0 WTW7340XW0 WTW7340XW1 WTW7340XW2 WTW7600XW0 WTW7600XW1 WTW7600XW2 WTW7800XB0 WTW7800XB1 WTW7800XB2 WTW7800XB3 WTW7800XB4 WTW7800XL0 WTW7800XL1 WTW7800XL2 WTW7800XL3 WTW7800XL4 WTW7800XW0 WTW7800XW1 WTW7800XW2 WTW7800XW3 WTW7800XW4 WTW7990XG0 WTW7990XG1 WTW8000BW0 WTW8100BW0 WTW8200YW0 WTW8240YW0 WTW8500BC0 WTW8500BR0 WTW8500BW0 WTW8540BC0 WTW8540BC1 WTW8540BW0 WTW8540BW1 WTW8600YW0 WTW8600YW1 WTW8800YC0 WTW8800YC1 WTW8800YW0 WTW8800YW1 WTW8900BC0 WTW8900BW0

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Brad Johnson
Finally a metal gear kit for cabrio

This is my first metal kit and looking forward to many years of service.

Josh Massano

Didn’t think the restocking fee was fair

Works Great on Kenmore Elite Oasis top load

It’s all metal and solid, not flimsy metal. You get two hubs and a small sprocket. It’s the small sprocket that is usually made of plastic which wears down at the inside spine that slides onto the axel. Now with this kit, the small sprocket is metal and I don’t anticipate it wearing down. When you change the sprocket make sure you also use/change to the metal hub that screws onto the tub. The difference between the two hubs that you get is length of the inside gear that turns the sprocket. At first I attached/used the wrong hub( the longer inside gear) and I kept getting OL error. When I changed it to the hub with the shorter inside gear the washer worked perfectly. The reason is that the tub rises up when it fills with water so that the agitator can spin back and forth without spinning the tub. If you manually pull up on the tub it should lift up and that’s what needs to happens when it starts to agitate. If the hub’s inside gear is too long, it does not disconnect from the small sprocket when it fills with water and when it starts to agitate, it will also be spinning with the tub and then it will think the the load is too heavy and you get the OL error. The hub needs to be free of the sprocket so only the agitator spins back and forth it ans should only be connect to the tub during spin cycle or draining water. That is how this washer works. I’ve only have it connect correctly for only one wash and will update if it starts to not work properly but so far so good.

Donald Reiter

As of this date I have not received this item. So right not I can not give a rating.


Works great

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